Example Student-Made Foldables

The pictures below were taken of foldable projects completed in Mr. Lee Thompson's seventh grade U.S. History class at Fertitta Middle School.

Sample Foldable: Joseph Walker

Sample Foldable: Dictators of WWII

Sample Foldable: The First Five Amendments

Sample Foldable: The 13 Colonies

"Bunker Hill Bunny"

Click here to access "Bunker Hill Bunny," the video Dr. Green had hoped to share during our last class session.

Margaret Loveall's Foldable

Margaret Loveall's Foldable

Lecture: DeAnna Beachley - Women of the American Revolution

This audio lecture was recorded by Dr. DeAnna Beachley to teach about the women of the Revolutionary Era.

Women of the Revolutionary Era — Dr. Beachley (Audio Lecture)

Lecture Slides: “Integrated Social Studies Unit Planning”

Click here for the lecture slides from Week 3 of the American Revolution module.

Procuring Artifacts

The following website is recommended by Mr. Jeff Hinton for procuring historical artifacts and sharing educational materials.


Go to the link titled "For Teachers."

In addition, many newspapers, maps, and writings are available at Archiving Early America and you can find additional period-specific resources at Eyewitness to History.

Activity Suggestions

Below are a list of resources and suggestions for teaching about this era or teaching with primary sources.

If Twitter Existed during the Revolution

Teaching with Documents: Images of the American Revolution
This packet of materials introduces primary sources available via the U.S. National Archives and the relationship of some of these items to the American Revolutionary Period. The packet includes links to all the documents mentioned and includes several related lesson plans. In particular, there are activity suggestions for teaching about the U.S. Constitution. The site also links to document analysis worksheets.

Teaching the Declaration of Independence as a Break-Up Letter
This lesson idea was conceived by Eric Langhorst, and 8th grade U.S. history teacher in Liberty, Missouri. He begins by reading a note his students believe he found on the floor the previous school day. The letter is signed "The American Colonies" and s the beginning of a discussion about the purpose and text of the Declaration of Independence.

Bullet Poem Student Project
Also conceived by Langhorst, this activity requires students write poems from the perspectives of war bullets. Langhorst uses the activity as part of his Civil War unit, but the activity suggestion would work well with any war. In addition to the lesson description, Langhorst includes a sample poem written by one of his 8th grade students.

Note: Langhorst's activity suggestions are also available in audio format. Subscribe using iTunes to "Speaking of History......."

Revolutionary War Political Cartoons
This lesson was conceived by Lee Thompson of Las Vegas, Nevada. Students in his middle school American history classroom design their own political cartoons. The instructions inform students that the cartoons must make a political statement relating to the Revolutionary era, the political statement must be written on the cartoon or on the back of the cartoon, and the cartoons are due the day they are assigned. Sample cartoons of student artists in Mr. Thompson's class appear below.

Pedagogy Lecture: Dr. Keeler (11/17/07)

Click here to access Dr. Keeler's lecture titled: "Historical Inquiry Through Primary Sources and Foldables"

Click here to access slides from the lecture reproduced in October, 2009.

Content Lecture: Drs. Green and Beachley (11/14/07)

Click here to listen to an audio of the lectures delivered by Drs. Green and Beachley during the November 14, 2007 session.

Dinah Zike's Sample Foldables

You may access directions for sample foldables here.

You may access the Dinah Zike site here.

During the 2009 NCSS Annual Conference, Dinah Zike showcased the below samples.

These samples are useful for displaying timelines.

This is an excellent model for scrapbooking notes, writing reports, or completing multiple biographies.

Lecture Slides: "Using Primary Sources and Foldables to Encourage Historical Inquiry" (Keeler)

Click here for the lecture slides from the Dr. Keeler's lecture titled “Using Primary Sources and Foldables to Encourage Historical Inquiry.”

Click here for Kathy Schrock's website titled "Navigating Primary Source Materials on the Internet."

Click here for the lecture slides from the Kathy Schrock's lecture at NECC 2006 titled “A Three-Hour Tour: Navigating Primary Source Materials on the Internet.”

Using a Blog

In response to those who have had some problems maneuvering through blogs, I've prepared the following text-based tutorial...

You've made it to a blog so you've already experienced some success - YAHOO!!!!
This text will hopefully get you started using the blog more effectively. Print out these instructions (or copy/paste them into a word processor), and follow along with the blog as I describe what to do.

Let's take a look at the some posts (entries into the blog). You'll see the date on the top and a orange link with a title. This orange link goes to the post itself, or you may just read what you see under what is orange. If you click on the orange title, it will move the post on which you clicked to the top of the screen. That's not very helpful for our purposes. Now, look to the right and see the menu bar. You may need to scroll down a bit, but you'll see an entry that says "Teaching with Documents." If you click on it, that entry/post will move to the top of the screen. You will still be able to scroll up and down to find the other posts, this is just a quick way to find the one you're seeking (and a condensed method to see what's available).

Now, let's look at the "Teaching with Document" post. Again, if you click on the post title, nothing will happen, it will just move that post to the top of the screen. Since the post is already at the top of the screen, it won't move. Now, let's look within the post. All posts start with a title, then there is text (sometimes including embedded links) a line on the bottom, and then a "Posted by Christy Keeler..." statement. When you see that "Posted by..." statement, you're at the end of that post and the next line is a new post (sometimes preceded by a date).

Let's keep looking at the "Teaching with Documents" post. You see the title in orange and then some grey text underneath. In this text, I either share content I need to share, or I describe a linked resource, as is the case here. If you hover over the "here" text, you'll see that the link is active. You can click on it and go to a page within the NCSS website. Click the "Back" button to return to the blog.

In some posts, you'll find a link to a video or audio. This is true in the "Welcome to the Podcast/Vidcast" post. Use the menubar on the right to click on that post now. The "Welcome to the Podcast/Vidcast" post jumped to the top of your screen. Right under the post title, you'll see pink text saying "Introduction to Module - Audio." This is an active link to an audio file. If you click on it, you will be able to hear the audio. There will not be any video because this is an MP3 (audio), not a MOV or MPEG-4 (video) file. If it were a video file, it would either open the video automatically or download it to your computer.

iPod and iTunes Help

Using iTunes

Click here for a text-based set of instructions on how to use iTunes, or click below for a video introduction.

iTunes Video

Subscribing to Our Podcast

To subscribe to our podcast, go to the iTunes podcast directory and type in "American Revolution Primary Source." Choose the podcast with the author "Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D." Then click on "Subscribe."

To subscribe to our podcast by going to "Advanced" in the iTunes menubar and select "Subscribe to podcast. Copy and paste the following link into the URL pop-up window:

Using Your iPod

The video linked below introduces use of a video iPod. For new users of the technology, you may find this very helpful.

iPod Video

Teaching with Documents

Click here to access the National Council for the Social Studies articles on Teaching with Primary Documents.

Primary Source Analysis Sheets

Click here to access primary source analysis sheets.

Assignment: American Revolution Unit Plan

Click here for the expectations for the American Revolution unit plan assignment.

Click here for the unit plan template.
Click here for a unit plan template that is longer than five days.

Click here for access to State of Nevada Social Studies Standards. Use the links on the left to access each of the discipline standards within the social studies.

Below are links to model unit plans. Note that the below plans were developed with different expectations than those outlined in this assignment, but the units below should provide nice examples of quality plans.
The following unit plans were developed by previous participants in this module. I highly recommend each of the below unit plans on the American Revolution.

Assignment: American Revolution Discussion Posts/Responses

Click here for the expectations for the American Revolution foldable assignment.

Assignment: American Revolution Foldable

Click here for the expectations for the American Revolution foldable assignment.

Course Syllabus

Click here for the course syllabus.

Welcome to the Podcast/Vidcast

The purpose of this blog is to post audio, video, and other content for use during the American Revolution/Primary Source Document module of the Clark County School District Teaching American History Grant. The posts appearing here will be delivered to participants in the module via the iTunes podcast: “TAH: American Revolution and Primary Source Documents” (http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmericanRevolutionAndPrimarySourceDocuments).

This podcast was developed as part of an elementary-level Clark County School District Teaching American History Grant. The three-year grant will fund six modules per year with each module focusing on a different era of American history and a different pedagogical theme. This podcast focuses on the American Revolution and Primary Source Documents in Elementary Schools. Participants in the grant are third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers in Clark County (the greater Las Vegas are), Nevada. Teaching scholars include Drs. Michael Green and Deanna Beachley of the College of Southern Nevada and Dr. Christy Keeler of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As part of this five week module, teachers meet on campus on two occasions and the remainder of their work is completed online.

The culminating experience for the module is participant development and use of a unit plan on primary source documents of the American Revolution utilizing a Dinah Zike paper-folding project.

Introduction to Module — Audio